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Comment count is 4
duck&cover - 2024-02-25

Not what I was expecting from the title.

Nominal - 2024-02-25

This is the perfect storm of why I almost think CC is just a script auto-submitting an account's recommendation feed. Why me and a lot of other people bother with this site less for the dive in quality on the front page. If you give half a crap about improving...

The clip isn't interesting, informative, or funny to begin with. Why? Might as well submit every 10 second segment from any random show.

This "too cool for descriptions" thing you have going. There's already a high chance these clips will be a waste of time, but we have to waste time on them blindly? Hell, I guess you're not a bot because a bot could at least paste a description. When you're a human submitting 100 things a week, I suppose you can't waste time being assed to do descriptions.

You can't tag either. The name of the show is right there in the title. The big name celebrity is right there. The Adult Swim logo is right there. Do you know any of this? Are you really just blindly submitting every single thing to pop up on your recommended?

Don't hate me for downvoting and one starring.
Hate your refusal to put in half a shit's worth of effort.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2024-02-25

@Nominal.. What do u want though? What do you actually like?

I personally dont care about tags or description for the same reason that I dont care about dupes. We are not creating some archive for the ages here. This is the internet, everything is completely ephemeral. I would guess the % of videos submitted here that still exist to be less than 50%
+ the tools on this site for finding and viewing older videos suck, it's simply not how the site was designed.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-02-28


Why did he have a wood saw in the kitchen?

This didn't seem premeditated.

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