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Comment count is 14
crojo - 2024-03-31

nice moped dude

casualcollapse - 2024-03-31

I hope the grease in its wheels got on her dress

Nominal - 2024-04-01

Eh, bicyclists are a goddamn menace (saying AS a bike commuter for a decade).

I just default to assuming each one is the asshole in any given situation.

"I have minor injuries but no damage to the bike. Both my legs are scraped and bruised. I pulled something in my shoulder pushing her away."

"I had both a knife and a gun. This lady did the most stupid thing you could do, and she was lucky I'm a sane person and know the meaning of 'reasonable force'."

"If you think someone is doing something illegal, call the police, don't confront them."

"I'm buying a can of bear mace."

Yeah, fuck this pussy. Can't pedal a real bike, throws his shoulder out shoving an old lady, needs to carry a gun AND a knife to make up for being made of wet noodles. No non-asshole has ever said YOU'RE LUCKY I'M RESTRAINED AND REASONABLE.

yogarfield - 2024-04-01

Lol, I couldn't even be bothered to watch more than 10 seconds of this shit. I've been an avid cyclist for almost two decades, and the proper response is to blow by them, middle finger over the shoulder and laugh. Not whatever I assume happens in this video.

Nominal - 2024-04-02

How could anyone possibly assume bicyclists are assholes?

Crackersmack - 2024-04-01

people complain sometimes when I ride my ebike on the trail, but I don't hear much of it because they recede into the distance pretty quickly

the first mistake this guy made was not going fast enough to make her scared to step in front of him, and the second mistake was stopping for her at all

yogarfield - 2024-04-01

There's also just weird shade all around cycling.

I live next to a massive bike highway, shout out to Burke-Gilman. It's about 28 miles long, paved and clearly marked where you can walk and where you can't. Expect a Karen.

Also no shade on ebikes, but they can be two-wheeled Karens. More than once I've pissed somebody off because I kept passing them repeatedly, then slowing down on my fixed, then passing them again.

It's a case of somebody caught in the middle of my HIIT cycles, and they're confused because my trainer bike is geared for absolute speed. Drill it for a minute, cool down for a minute.

In a hypothetical scenario where this bitch tried to stop me and I wasn't able to dodge, I'd be thinking about a lawsuit before I hit the ground. Sorry, no speed limit on the BG, and she couldn't read the lines.

teethsalad - 2024-04-04

lol jesus is there a middle aged crisis vehicle or toy you don't fucking own

Crackersmack - 2024-04-04

I'm going to look at a shitty old pontoon boat after work and if I buy it I am going to strip it down to the deck, put a center console on it, and use it as a fishing platform and a place to carry fuel and coolers for jet skiing in big groups, maybe put tent attachment points on the front for island camping too

Space Odin - 2024-04-06

Yo on Burke-Gilman, everyone's an asshole and nobody can fucking read. Two legs, four legs, two wheels, four wheels. Even three wheels, those little tricycle shits start young. And let's not even bring up strollers.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-04-01

Another story with no good guys.

casualcollapse - 2024-04-02

The person blocking traffic is always the bad person, ALWAYS. Your moral ambiguity regarding this concerns me🤣

ashtar. - 2024-04-02

yeah but that guys scooter is dorky so who is to say, shades of gray, etc.

Nominal - 2024-04-02

Siding with the drivers who plow through prorestors. Very brave

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