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Comment count is 9
Nominal - 2024-04-02

Moore's Bond movies were consistently better than the weaker entries of every other Bond.

scrungus - 2024-04-02

this is well-trodden territory, but really the roger moore bond movies were a different genre than the rest of them.

SolRo - 2024-04-02

A better genre

William Burns - 2024-04-02

The genre is "Proto-Austin-Powers-lite"

Timothy Dalton is still my pick for best Bond. He's got an edge lacking in the other Bonds, save for Connery and Craig, and unlike those guys he doesn't come off as a complete meat-head.

Nominal - 2024-04-03


Connery- Meander around various Club Meds for 90 minutes

Moore- Proto Austin Powers lite

Dalton- Solid action thriller

Brosnan- The best, followed by the worst

Craig- The Bourne Identically

garcet71283 - 2024-04-03

Still my favorite Bond movie

TeenerTot - 2024-04-04

So, ah....do all european cars have their gas tanks up in the front somewhere?

Mister Yuck - 2024-04-04

Whoever edited this needed lay off on the coke. Something about the way this is cut gives me a headache.

Anaxagoras - 2024-04-06

Point of order: At 1:21 we see that Bond is also a bad jumper. In short, Bond is bad at his job in general.

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