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Comment count is 8
ashtar. - 2024-04-09


garcet71283 - 2024-04-09

Or alternatively, China wants you to think that

Nominal - 2024-04-10

"Both parties are just as bad" chode

He chastises lawmakers for not providing any evidence of China involvement, yet never provides any evidence connecting any of his accusations.

Repeatedly claims that politicians won't do anything about gun control, reproductive rights, or climate change. Puts pictures of Biden and Trump side by side right after. How blind, dishonest, or dumb do you have to be to seriously claim that both parties are equally at fault for those issues failing?

Binro the Heretic - 2024-04-10

Maybe both parties aren't just as bad, but there's certainly not a lot of daylight between them.

What good does it do us to vote Democrat when the Democrats turn around and go even harder against the things we voted them in to do in their pursuit of moderates' votes?

teethsalad - 2024-04-10

"What good does it do us to vote Democrat when the Democrats turn around and go even harder against the things we voted them in to do in their pursuit of moderates' votes?"

you mean the votes the left has constantly said are no longer up for grabs because they couldn't possibly be asked to compromise or settle for consensus? gee i wonder why they're moving towards the moderates, real head scratcher there

SolRo - 2024-04-11

Since when have dems catered to the left?

Has been a party of center left + center right for as long as I can remember

Xenocide - 2024-04-12

Being emotionally invested in a phone app is a sure sign that you're a free thinker.

SolRo - 2024-04-20

What if they wanted to ban Poetv?

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