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Comment count is 12
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-04-18

Is this one guy or two? It's driving me nuts!

SolRo - 2024-04-19

One guy with a different beard

Anaxagoras - 2024-04-20

Yeah, after watching a bunch of these, I'm leaning towards one guy as well.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-04-20

I am also leaning toward one guy now, and I'm impressed. For one thing, in other videos, he I've seen a bunch of videos lately where someone has a discussion with themselves, and most of them are monotonous low effort drivel. This is good work. The effect is convincing, and it's sustained for almost an hour. The hard part would be the timing, and he's got it down. The editor deserves a lot of credit. ALSO the same guy?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-04-20

*For one thing, in other videos, they both have the same beard.

Anaxagoras - 2024-04-27

FWIW, I've become low-key obsessed with this guy, and done some investigatin'. It's just one guy. He does a bunch of videos that aren't "Checkmate Lincolnites", and in one of them he references his work on "Checkmate Lincolnites". Based on how he talks about it, it's clear that there's just one of him in front of the camera.

His name's Andy, by the way.

ashtar. - 2024-04-20

Uh, is poetv bright green and having to go through cloudflare "verify you are human" before each page?

Anaxagoras - 2024-04-20

Just once, when I first arrive.

Nominal - 2024-04-22

Sherman did nothing wrong.

Anaxagoras - 2024-04-24

I really, really want to agree with you, because I love me his march to Atlanta.

But Jesus... he was kind of a racist asshat, and his behavior during the later Indian wars was shameful.

Still though, fuck the South.

Sludge Vohaul - 2024-04-26

March to the sea
March to the seaaaaaa
There'll be no repatriation
Just endless conflagration
March to the sea

Adjuvant - 2024-04-22

The Southern Gentleman Foghorn Leghorn bit got a little thin at times but overall this was a really well argued and entertaininly presented look at history and the sad persistence of the Lost Cause myth. Much enjoyed.

Those arguing that Sherman shouldn't have marched across the South because "slavery would have ended on its own ... at some point" are not serious people.

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