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Comment count is 13
Amos - 2024-05-03

It's fun watching left-liberals come around to "Jews control the media".

ashtar. - 2024-05-04

It's been fun watching pro-Israel people getting ever closer to the people chanting "Jews will not replace us" in 2017.

Amos - 2024-05-04


Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-03

All my life, I've fought against the "Jews secretly control the world" bullshit.

Congress is about to introduce a bill that would make it legal to detain & disappear anyone who speaks out against the Israeli government and to pull federal funding from colleges & universities that "don't do enough" to deter speaking out against the Israeli government.

I still don't believe the most persecuted ethnic group in all of human history secretly controls the world, but shit like this makes it much easier for some people to believe that shit and makes it even harder for people like me to convince their goofy asses otherwise.

SolRo - 2024-05-03

I don’t know about Jews running the world but Zionists certainly control a good amount of “western” governments

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-04

I would argue that the vast majority of them aren't being controlled but that they also want to cram all the Jews into Israel for their own reasons.

Crackersmack - 2024-05-04

The NYPD attack on Columbia protestors was coordinated with the NYPD branch office in Tel Aviv. Sounds like a parody of antisemitic conspiracy but it's 100% true. https://consortiumnews.com/2024/05/03/the-israeli-connection-to-th e-raid-on-columbia-university/

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-04

That's not so much "Jews run the world" as much as it is "American cops are fascists."

Israel scaled back on manufacturing and moved towards security as its main export. This had two effects, the biggest being that most Palestinians living under Israel's apartheid lost their only means of providing for themselves and Israeli authorities began developing more methods of surveilling and controlling protestors like those Palestinians who had their jobs taken away.

And because America wanted to get in on that action because it was facing more and more disruption by protestors, lots of American cops were sent to Israel for training. American cops learned "kettling" tactics in Israel. Cop city is going to be one big classroom to teach more American cops the tactics developed in Israel.

As I said to SolRo, I don't think its control, as such. Cops aren't being controlled by "zionists", they just want to put boots on faces the way the Israeli cops do.

Crackersmack - 2024-05-05

"the most persecuted ethnic group in all of human history" I think this claim is being reexamined by a whole lot of people recently too

ashtar. - 2024-05-05

I'm not really gonna defend the police here, but like, they're doing the job they're told to do. If you have a bunch of protesters that you need to remove... this is what that looks like. Not that departments shouldn't refuse to use force against non-violent protesters (see Denver), but it's nice professional class liberal administrators (mostly in blue states) actually calling the shots here. Talking as if cops act in a vacuum is missing a lot.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-05

@Crackersmack In terms of the amount of time their group has been persecuted, they win hands-down

@ashtar I get what you're saying. It's like White people who call the cops on a Black person knowing the likelihood they will be killed by the cops is high. But we still shouldn't allow the cops to be vicious stormtroopers.

Crackersmack - 2024-05-06

I think "most persecuted people" is a dumb contest to have, and in this case the claim has been used to explain and support fascism and genocide. And Haitians, Africans, Native Americans, etc can make a better claim imho. Jews have been persecuted historically but for my entire lifetime have enjoyed an extremely privileged status in the western world.

Nominal - 2024-05-04

B-b-but there's a clip of Palestinians dancing! In the street!

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