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Comment count is 11
baleen - 2006-04-07

I miss the days when guys like this had to pretend to be straight.

SharoKham - 2006-04-11

The stone age, pre-900-number phone sex is even funnier than the Village People talking to women.

Herr Matthias - 2006-05-13

Mathematics has not yet given us a way to enumerate the ways that this video is awesome

HURF BLURF DUH - 2006-06-16

My mouth literally remained dropped open in incredulity for the entire duration of this video.

doc duodenum - 2006-11-06

Those had better be lady dudes in the video

erix - 2006-11-14

They just don't build gays like they used to

jim - 2007-03-06

the part i hate is the way they make you wait...

athodyd - 2007-08-15

Early disconnection causes the virtual sex computer pain!

Millard - 2007-08-19

Wikipedia says:

As gay subtexts are often found in Village People songs, some have suggested that themes in this album refer to safer sex. This is because AIDS emerged within the gay community during the 80's. These are themes that remain relevant to this day.

x - 2007-12-28

Bravely rated and reviewed, ryanowens.

King of Balls - 2008-12-12


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