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Comment count is 5
BHWW - 2007-07-17

The devil's got a kinda chunky arse.

OxygenThief - 2011-07-12

That's the kind of trunk space you look for in the supernatural personification of evil.

radiosquido - 2007-07-17

I imagine the devil at 1:02 laughing like Beavis.

smoothbrain - 2007-07-17

Satan's grandmother?

cognitivedissonance - 2011-05-10

Oh, this is an actual thing. My own great-grandmother believed in Satan's grandmother, and told me about how the Devil would spank her, and the way you knew was if it was raining and sunny at the same time.

She also believed that it was dangerous to receive a knife as a gift and that licorice flavored things were better medicine than anything else for "gripe".

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