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Comment count is 15
Afgh - 2007-07-19

How to rate this? This is the best movie that I never ever want to see again.

This scene is very technically impressive as a special effects shot, so 5 stars.

eatenmyeyes - 2007-07-19

Fucking low frequency sound...

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2007-07-19

After innumerable die hard-esque action films in which hundreds of people are bloodlessly murdered with no consequences whatsoever, you almost need movies like this to remind you that violence is sick and depraved--not in any way exciting or ennobling.

And this isn't even the hardest scene to watch in this movie, either.

onemorepanic - 2007-07-19

Rape bit.. ejected. Slid it in it's sleeve, licked the envelope sent it back to Netflix..

Never cared to find out if this was a good movie or not.
Watching this scene just fucked it all up again for me.

zatojones - 2007-07-19

A friend of mine once recommended Man Bites Dog to me saying it was a very witty film. One graphic child smothering and gang rape scene later I knew my friend probably never saw the movie herself.

If anyone ever recommends Irreversible to me I will channel all my disgust from Man Bites Dog into caving in their skull with a fire extinguisher.

Afgh - 2007-07-19

There was an edited version of Man Bites Dog for the US market; maybe that's what your friend saw.

juiceboxtheeverliving - 2007-11-05

I don't remember the gang rape or smother scene, so I must have seen the edited version, but I thought it was hilarious last time I saw it. I was 13 at the time though.

Feyd - 2007-07-19

Boo hoo boo I am a delicate and sensitive flower.

corneille - 2007-07-19

The two violent scenes in this film were more disturbing on every level than anything in the current slew of forgettable torture porn flicks.

Xiphias - 2007-07-19

I don't think that a movie that successfully disturbs the viewer should be called "bad." It's doing exactly what it's supposed to.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2007-07-20

Ebert's review of this movie might be one of his best. It singlehandedly brought me from thinking this movie was just sick and pointless to thinking it was some kind of masterpiece.

johnnyhamhock - 2007-07-20

I thought, after POE, nothing could really get to me anymore

And then the crushed face and little animal moan at 2:14 and going to cry in the corner now

johnnyhamhock - 2007-07-20

Also dude jerking it in BG at 1:23 What the Fuck

Afgh - 2007-07-20

Regarding the "dude jerking it," this scene takes place in a gay sex club called Le Rectum.

No, seriously.

LetsFistAgain - 2007-07-24

Mon pied vient d'une ville a appelé votre âne et votre faire lui avec le mal du pays. Bitch.

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