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Comment count is 5
Uulanbaatorbaby - 2007-07-27

Best vacation ever!

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-28


EvilHomer - 2007-07-28

D'oh! It cut off the "s." at the end of my description. It also left out the "old friends reunited at last" tag.

I'm suprised these videos keep making it out of the Hopper! Nobody seems to know who the hell they are, which is a shame, because they're so bloody amazing. The handful of times I met someone who knew who they were, it was always "Oh, they're that band that sound like Rammstein, right?" Not that there's anything wrong with the 'stein, but IX could eat them for breakfast.

Bonus fun fact: many of their songs are "covers" of classic medieval folk tunes and poems set to music, usually sung in the orginal language- from old Norse to Provençal French- and drawn from dozens of history fag approved sources, including Goethe, Villon, and Walther von der Vogelweide.

a flaming monkey - 2007-10-28

ever heard Tanzwut before? They're kinda cool too.

petep - 2008-01-06

I never really know what to think about strange German people, but I guess I like this.

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