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Comment count is 29
takewithfood - 2007-07-24

And we owe it all to food poisoning.

shutup_Aragorn - 2009-01-09

it would have been much more entertaining to see harrison crap his pants

Zarathustra00 - 2007-07-24

If this happened in more movies then none of the shitty horror movies released in the last 10 years would be in existance.

Pandatronic - 2007-07-24

...garbage day?

bopeton - 2007-07-24

Scene = win, Pandatronic's comment = win

Cinnamon Imperialist - 2008-03-27


Caminante Nocturno - 2007-07-24

This scene has withstood the test of time with flying colors.

Dr. Lobotomy - 2007-07-24

Good thing he didn't pull out a walkie-talkie

TinManic - 2007-07-25

uhhh... yeah, i guess so.

Repomancer - 2007-10-09

It's an E.T. joke. In the rerelease, it was edited so all the pistols became walkie-talkies. GET IT?

fluffy - 2007-07-25

You can practically hear Indy thinking, "Oh, for fuck's sake."

TeenerTot - 2007-07-25

YAY!!! Yet another scene that cemented my Han Solo-inspired crush on Harrison Ford.

Namor - 2007-07-29


thebaronsdoctor - 2007-07-30

Harrison Ford>You

dementomstie - 2008-10-02

Harrison Ford>All of Us

FABIO2 - 2007-08-12

Every Japophile who owns a katana should be forced to watch this scene over and over.

kingofthenothing - 2009-06-03

My granddad, who fought in ww2 against the Japs, would agree, if he were still alive. He always thought karate and judo and other martial arts were funny. "You try to karate chop me. I'll have a gun. Who do you think will win?"

vecctor - 2007-08-17

Always a good decision.

Hummana Hummana Hummana - 2007-09-14

The escape from the mayan temple? The fight with the Nazi under the flying wing? The heads exploding during the opening of the Ark of the Covenant? No. None of those scenes was what we gushed about after seeing this in the theater. "He just pulled out his gun and POW shot the guy with the sword!" THAT was what we couldn't shut up about for the rest of the summer.

Pie Boy - 2007-09-14

This was totally improvised. They actually rehearsed a huge sword-whip fight, but Ford got sick of doing all the takes. The result is over a million times more awesome.

Vicious - 2008-01-16

Actually, he got physically sick (like takewithfood says.)

Sword guy was not happy with the decision.

zatojones - 2008-06-16

sword guy should cash paycheck and be happy

The Mothership - 2021-08-30

Everything right here is 100% true.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-09-16

Basically what Pie Boy and Hummana3x said.

Also what TeenerTot said. He's gonna be old and grey and wrinkled before he isn't sexy anymore.

Repomancer - 2007-10-09

This was the last movie that I actually stood in line for on opening night. And this is the best scene from it. Well, one of the best.

bopeton - 2007-12-06

The swordsman shot first!

Chalkdust - 2009-04-30

hee hee hee

Camonk - 2010-05-23

This is one of those scenes that everybody loves. Everybody can appreciate something on display here.

Bort - 2015-02-01

How many decades has it been since this came out? I can still watch this scene and laugh every single time.

I genuinely feel bad for anyone who has that Asperger's thing where you can't read emotions from facial expressions, because Indy's face is what makes this scene. Poor guy simply cannot deal with this.

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