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Desc:Racial stereotypes! Arms races! Explosions! Gore! A badger! This cartoon has it all.
Category:Cartoons & Animation
Tags:Africa, explosions, wtf, French animation, horrible horrible violence
Submitted:Rodents of Unusual Size
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Comment count is 9
Ursa_minor - 2007-07-25

A lot of work went into this horseshit.

hornung - 2007-07-25

I appears to have absolutely no idea what makes effective humor, pacing, violence, soundtrack use...basically anything. This could be the least funny thing I've ever seen.

It totally misuses herbie.

I give you a 5 for finding it, the animators a 1.

voodoo_pork - 2007-07-25

It's like Pixar meets Wile E. Coyote meets David Duke.

This is pretty bad, but if it's the most racist thing you've ever seen, you obviously haven't been watching MTV for the last, I don't know, DECADE.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-07-25

Although I agree with where you're going, I can't help but feel this is an amazing find, simply because it's like the French animators who did it decided to make a film that would have done great with an audience in the 30's. They thought THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA. I just don't know who the hell they thought their target audience would be. "Look, dear, what a cute cartoon...I was hoping they'd make a sequel to Little Black Sambo/Sebben Dwarves/Song of the South"

NineEleven - 2007-07-25

Gratuitous use of stolen Starcraft sounds plus space lasers equals extra credit

Also might net them jobs on terrible feature-length french film

zatojones - 2007-07-25

gross too

Endoris - 2007-07-25

Kind of pissed me off right away knowing they were using one of my favorite Herbie Hancock songs in such an utter shit video. Wasn't made better by the (not very good) Chemical Brothers stuff and the total, total overuse of Starcraft sounds and what look like Natural Selection clips. Lame!

Xiphias - 2007-07-26

The actual animation - the way the characters move - is really bad. And stealing the crappy little squirrel thing from Ice Age and adding racism isn't nearly as funny as it sounds.

Oh, the audio is really bad too.

Big Muddy - 2008-08-05

The only cartoon I know of inspired by Dead Alive, Akira, The Gods Must Be Crazy, Tex Avery, Ice Age and yet horribly inept. Also, I checked and the title means indigenous and not indignant as I had thought.

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