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Comment count is 17
Knuckles - 2007-07-25



Food - 2007-07-25

Liebot, what's the saddest thing?

Billy Buttsex - 2007-07-25

this is NOT entertainment

jihadbaby - 2007-07-25

The alien master-race has landed. They like big black bears, and they sweat sometimes. Also, their nourishment comes from inhaling their own farts.

baleen - 2007-07-25

I think I'm just going to cry now.

Afgh - 2007-07-25

Aw man, I wish I could lend him my body for a day.

Hell of depressing.

Feyd - 2007-07-25

I dunno, he was pretty good on Carnivāle.

Urburos - 2007-07-25

It's not comedy, it's not someone getting kicked in the gnads, and it's not a car explosion but people like this exist whether others like it or not. Thank whatever you pray to that you witnessed something like this as a video and not in an awkward moment.

The sooner you realize physical disabilities are just that, the sooner you can identify with the person who has it. Most people don't stare at you just because you sprained an ankle and are using crutches.

fluffy - 2007-07-26

Sad but also kind of uplifting. WTF is with the "fart inhaler" though? I can't help but think that the people who put it on YouTube are a bunch of dumb jerks.

Xiphias - 2007-07-26

That wasn't depressing. It was beyond emotion.

gambol - 2007-11-15

That's the sentiment I, too, was going to express.

Frank Rizzo - 2007-07-26



"I think you can find better rhymes in special school on poetry day."

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2007-09-14

Don't you EVER bitch about your own life after seeing this video

revdrew - 2007-09-24

Feeling a weird mix of shock, heart break, and hopefulness right about now.

oogaBooga - 2008-08-19

I hope you get to be a big black bear in your next life, kid. I really do. You deserve it.

My god, i'm this much closer to offing myself.

Hailey2006 - 2009-07-21

and he'll meet moose to who talk like Bob and Doug McKenzie!

Poor Excuse - 2009-03-02

I'll take care of you forever.

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