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Desc:More from anthrocon, wherein a voice actor begins to grasp the true horror of his situation.
Tags:Furries, awkward, Robert Paulsen, shitty agent, discomfort
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Comment count is 18
Sudan no1 - 2007-08-07

his name is robert paulsen.

boner - 2007-08-07

I suppose Anthrocon can't be much different from a testicular cancer support group.

FABIO2 - 2007-12-14

Anthrocon is more depressing.

Hooper_X - 2007-08-07

conventions are strange and fucking scary places. people basically forget how to act like polite members of society, assuming they ever really knew.

Xiphias - 2007-08-07

Given that this is a FURRY convention, we can safely assume that they never knew how to fit into society. It's kind of the whole point of their thing.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-08-11

When I saw Idiocracy, these are the people that first sprang to my mind.

Myrmidon - 2007-08-07

I keep on hoping he'll just start running, but he never does.

13.5 - 2007-08-07

*turns directly to camera, still next to fursuiter* Have you thought about how you'll have to fund your retirement? I'm Robert Paulsen, for Ameriprise financial . . . .

baleen - 2007-08-07

Ok... hmm.

Pandatronic - 2007-08-07

I didn't quite understand the horror aspect...until Minerva Mink strolled by.

DMKA - 2007-08-07

Poor guy.

Aernaroth2 - 2007-08-07

I wonder. Did people make those animaniacs fursuits because they heard robert paulson was coming? Or did they have them anyway? I don't know what disturbs me more...

revdrew - 2007-08-07


Jeff Fries - 2007-08-08

One of us... one of us...

LetsFistAgain - 2007-08-24

Well Rob devoted his life to give a voice to the wank-material these things feed on, so he can just shut his fucking trap.

CharlesSmith - 2009-02-23

Yeah fuck that guy for trying to entertain children. HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN FAT DUDES WITH JERK OFF TO IT!

LetsFistAgain - 2007-08-24

BTW The YouTube comments... Oh the YouTube comments...

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-11-04

Oh, you poor man. You poor, poor bastard.

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