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Comment count is 7
rastarat - 2007-08-09

Around and around they go. We should put random animals together in the same cage on special days. I would attend.

Xiphias - 2007-08-09

How would an anteater kill something?


Mudpuppy - 2007-08-09

They've actually got pretty powerful front claws for digging/tearing open termite mounds. a zookeeper was killed not too long ago by one.
five stars because no one got hurt.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2007-08-09

closeup ofa g. anteater's claws:


Jeff Fries - 2007-08-09

A playful chase before some very satisfying lovemaking

ABoyNamedCheese - 2007-11-27

This is what happens when you cut "This is what an ant looks like" class from public schools in the wild. For animals.

poorwill - 2009-09-26

Fuck yeah, go anteater.

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