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Comment count is 10
zatojones - 2007-08-14

Nice riff on the Rocky fanfare

Pandatronic - 2007-08-14

Actually, the film was originally called "A Party at Kitty and Stud's", and it was made before Rocky. They re-released it as "The Italian Stallion" after Rocky was made to capitalize on his newfound fame.

Hailey2006 - 2007-08-14

That's what I'm going to say...
mmm "The Longest Foot" starring John Holmes

Old_Zircon - 2007-08-14

I'm fairly sure it's not actually a porn film, just typical 70s softcore arthouse trash. Haven't bothered to see it, though, so who knows.

doc duodenum - 2007-08-14

It actually was a hardcore porn. I don't know if Stallone was in one of the scenes, but I think so.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2007-08-14

Well, aside from that rather snide Playboy excerpt, this is actually pretty classy.

And yes, much of the actual hardcore material was cut for this re-release. Cie la vie.

Michael Houser - 2007-08-14

Apparently, you can witness his wee peeny. Which, strangely, was something I never really wanted to do.

Roachbud - 2007-08-15

If they did one with him now they'd have to call it Guinea Pig

Jeff Fries - 2007-08-15

I believe this was edited by a woman

Beyonce Knowles - 2007-08-15

For the afro woman dancing.

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