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This Clip is 2 of 5 Clips (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5)

Desc:Altruism is suicide! Retards should be ignored! Phil actually tries to make sense of this.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Horror
Tags:Ayn Rand, objectivism, donahue, sacrifice, LIES LIES LIES!
Submitted:Rodents of Unusual Size
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Comment count is 7
Knuckles - 2007-08-12

In Ayn Rand's dystopia, wouldn't the private donors giving their money to retards in lieu of the gifted be just as bad as the government doing the same? What's the fundamental difference between private and governmental donation when the overall effect is the same?

Benzene265 - 2007-08-12

In the perfect Rand society, the retards would probably be killed as soon as they were diagnosed. Then the money could be blown on expensive toys and eugenics research.

The overall difference is that government donation means that her tax dollars have to go to support anyone but her. And, if you watch the 4th video, you can see that she really, really hates even discussing the idea of helping others.

ihounokyaku - 2007-08-12

I really don't even know where to begin. She draws such a blurry line between "helping people" and "altruism" that she doesn't even seem to be able to figure out where her own definition of one ends and the other begins. She's somehow able to say that it's "virtuous" to give the money (one earned) to save the life of a loved one instead of using it to go to a nightclub, and yet "altruistic" to sacrifice one's extra cash to help someone who is poor and needs it to get a better education or even to survive.

It's even more ridiculous to assume that the private sector can be somehow made to be responsible for public welfare. The idea that a system bent on and fueled by profit will somehow magically give a crap about those who are of no financial value to it is absolutely mind blowing. Trusting charity to the free market is like trusting cookie distribution to the cookie monster. The organizations in charge of taking care of the needy should not have a vested interest in making sure the needy are denied care.

And she probably smells bad.

IrishWhiskey - 2007-08-18

I can't wait to face her as the final boss in Bioshock!

-1 for not touching on her bizarre rape fantasies involving her father.

coprolalia - 2007-08-19

And, uh, insight...

Jeriko-1 - 2007-09-09

Look at all those shit eating grin wearing Randians in the audience. Fuck them. Seriously. They did their part to create the fucking mess we live in today.

Also, I gave .00 to a homeless man yesterday just to spite the memory of the souless bitch.

Riskbreaker - 2011-08-09

Proof that ugly people can have equally ugly ideas.

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