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Comment count is 12
anvill - 2007-08-16

Worth watching, if only for the jiggler at -1:05.

mouser - 2007-08-16

I wondered what you meant about that. Nice wedgy.

Cube - 2007-08-16

I wonder if he's a nice person.

teethsalad - 2007-08-16

actually, he just had a "nervous breakdown" due to his being barred from competition for the next four months. The crime? He said he was injured and didn't go on the jungyo (tours of the areas other than the three big cities sumo tournaments are in) and then was photographed in his native Mongolia playing soccer for charity and being pretty fucking nimble

in sumo, being a yokozuna is a huge deal, and there's a whole lot of things you have to do to live up to the "honor" of the rank. the fact that he's mongolian is already a huge strike against him in the racist eyes of those in charge of this 2000 yr. old sport, so, yeah.

teethsalad - 2007-08-18

footage of "soccer incident" (also good if you'd like to see a rikishi run):

teethsalad - 2007-08-18

and they may force him to retire. should have said that earlier.

SharoKham - 2007-08-22

Even if he's destined to burn out, he helped open the door for other Mongolians like Hakuho, the other Yokozuna. (Part of becoming a Yokozuna is having the Yokuzuna committee decide that you've got the right bearing and whatnot). He's already created a permanent place in sumo history. I just hope he gets the mental help he needs before he becomes sumo's Tyson.

Reefer Fez - 2007-12-14

He's back in Japan now, and he participated in an exhibition tour of Kyushu. Looked pretty good. New Year's Basho should be pretty interesting.

fourthguy - 2007-08-16

My favorite is the one where he follows the guy and almost keeps pushing him even after he's well out of the ring and into the stands.

takewithfood - 2007-08-17

That is just freaking impressive is what that is right there. And if I could share some of these stars with teethsalad, I would. I always appreciate some additional insight.

Chalkdust - 2007-12-10

One of the few sports in which ringside seats afford you the luxury of a large naked man toppling onto you in the blink of an eye.

Sumo is always a lot more squirrelly than I expect it to be, despite having watched it numerous times.

Mole Wax - 2007-12-16


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