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Comment count is 4
Aelric - 2007-08-18

who one stared this? sure, bukowski was a living example of misery incarnate, and a shining sign on the road of life about what not to be. but can't people appreciate him for that? jesus, you kids these days.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2007-08-18

Somebody basically said that this one one of the worst videos ever submitted.

Who even knows?

Aelric - 2007-08-18

fucking kids, stop watching youtube for a while and go read factotum, or post office, or letters of a dirty old man. basic, read a book then come back and after you know who my low-life heroes are, then you can destroy them if you still want.

simon666 - 2007-08-18

aelric, fuck yah.

from 'women' chapter 8:

"I got back, made love to Lydia several times, got in a fight with her, and left L.A. International late one morning to give a reading in Arkansas. I was lucky enough to have a seat by myself. The flight captain announced himself, if I heard correctly, as Captain Winehead. When the stewardess came by I ordered a drink."

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