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Comment count is 10
Repomancer - 2007-09-03

Guy's a mutant.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-09-03

Oh, shut, up.

Food - 2007-09-03

Man, that makes my 80 second best time seem a lot less awesome.

Smellvin - 2007-09-03

It looks like an algorithm going through doing it automatically (like a little something the guy programmed himself). It's nowhere near as impressive if true, but it's still pretty neat.

jangbones - 2007-09-03

Yep, the world is broke.

Roachbud - 2007-09-03

How long do you have to play minesweeper to get that good at it?

Adramelech - 2007-09-03

This is a legit (former) world Minesweeper record. There's a really disturbing community built around getting this ridiculous at the game. I remember seeing a site that had articles comparing the speed and precision of various mice strictly for use in Minesweeper.

snothouse - 2007-09-03

Clicky clicky click click click fuck you dork!

Dr. Smooth - 2007-09-19

how boring is that guys' job?

FABIO2 - 2007-09-20


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