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Comment count is 12
Caminante Nocturno - 2007-09-03

Man, cats can often be a creepy kind of cute.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2007-09-04

-1 for not saying "I can has cheeseburger now?"

Operation Cornflakes - 2007-09-04

Bengal cats are friggin' awesome.

Rudy - 2007-09-04

+1 for not saying "I can has cheeseburger now?"

Noober - 2007-09-04

Bengal kitten chattering at birds

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2007-09-04

Please donīt kill me, spacekitty!

Stog - 2007-09-05

This video is almost hypnotic in it's weirdness


Jeriko-1 - 2007-09-06

Kitty and his invisible friend, the Great Gazoo have a chat!

klingerbgoode - 2007-09-06

Hail Discordia?

Vicious - 2008-01-30


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-02-29

I love crazytalk kitty! Also, I used to have a cat who'd do this ALL THE DAMN TIME. Big hearts go here.

Species - 2008-06-23

It was cute until you realized the cat was speaking human. Then it became kinda creepy.

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