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Comment count is 19
Knuckles - 2007-08-27

I know calling Bush dumb is sort of a cliche by this point, but it honestly sounds like he didn't understand what was meant by the word "sovereign."

Hooker - 2007-08-27

I hate most Americas. There, I said it.

ChocFullOfFunk - 2007-08-27

Seriously. Screw you, Nicaragua!

Knuckles - 2007-08-27

South and central do kinda suck, but north is pretty all right.

Hooker - 2007-08-27

Wah wah wee wah.

theSnake - 2007-08-27

The only thing that keeps some of us going here is that little qualifying article you use, "most."

Also, the north is pretty terribad too, the only thing keeping northern midwest states blue are the black people and unions in chicago and detroit. Sad but true.

zurvan - 2007-08-28

That's okay, most Americans hate most Americans too.

IrishWhiskey - 2007-08-27

He was Governor of Texas. They don't have Indians in Texas? Its not like its a hard word to understand, or unimportant to world politics.

Menudo con queso - 2007-08-28

They got three, count 'em, THREE federally recognized tribes in TX. In a state of 21 million people. Compare that with NM or Oklahoma next door. Texas does genocide and barbecue right. And his boys Rick Goodhair Perry and John Cornyn made sure to kidney-punch the Ysleta del Surs and the Alabama Coushattas right the economic-development breadbaskets on behalf Ralph Reed and big Jack Abramoff. This is a mean, ugly world.

Jesus, if anyone needs the two-line word limit back, it's me.

boba. - 2007-08-28

you sure do

Scynne - 2007-08-27

Finishes answer. Looks a questioner. Sees dissatisfaction. Shrugs. Says more words.

Adramelech - 2007-08-28

Pretty sure this is a dupe, but it probably had horrible tags and who cares. Classic W.

kingarthur - 2007-08-28

It makes me cry inside.

voodoo_pork - 2007-08-28

This was back when he was just stupid and kinda likable (the way you would like a retarded cat), despite being a utter complete joke as a candidate.

I can't not laugh at the idea that this guy somehow duped 50 million people into voting for him.

Stopheles - 2007-08-28

No, this was a debate for the 2004 election. By this point, the retarded cat had ruined the economy and started a pointless war.

Camonk - 2007-08-28

This is blindingly, tear-raising awful. The fact that people saw this and went, well he's still MY kind of president is the most depressing part.

vecctor - 2007-09-21

Don't you remember those elections? Nobody voted FOR anyone, they just voted against the other guy. I am sure many of the people that voted for him didn't like it either, sadly.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-08-28

It's all so clear now!

yoyo1 - 2007-08-29

The best part is when people start laughing and he thinks it's because he was being smart.

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