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Comment count is 10
Jimmy Labatt - 2007-08-31

Phew! For a second there I thought you meant the Tim Burton version and I was ready to kick your ass.

EvilHomer - 2007-08-31

Oh my God! I was wrong! It was Earth, all along! You've finally made a monkey (yes we've finally made a monkey) yes, you've finalllllly made a monkeeeey out of meeeeeeee!

theSnake - 2007-08-31

I never thought about it geographically, but he's travelling north presumably away from where they came from and runs into the statue along the coast. Does that mean the whole movie took place in New Jersey, and New York is the "Forbidden Zone"?

Afgh - 2007-08-31

theSnake didn't think about something... I'm shocked.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2007-08-31

All this not thinking is making me thirsty.

longdongsilver - 2007-09-05

It's amazing how much the Jersey coastline changes in a mere three thousand years, going from Atlantic coastal plain to desert sea cliffs.

mouser - 2007-08-31

-5 because that scene never made any sense whatsoever.

You can't have an entire civilisation's concrete disappear and have a an iron statue survive a salt water environment for hundreds of years.

Bomb or not.

Still, despite the rating, it levels to max for the sheer cliché-ness (!) of the scene. It's a classic. And it's still a damn good movie.

Afgh - 2007-09-05

Good... point...?

Crucifried - 2008-01-17

It's copper, not iron. And the bombs didn't destroy all of the concrete, as the portion of Grand Central Station shows in Beneath The Planet Of The Apes. Presumably, there was some great geological action, given the cliffs and the desert, which covered and broke the concrete, although why the hudson river is still on the Apes maps is a mystery.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-09-05

I knew this ending before I'd even seen the movie due to all of the jokes about it.

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