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Comment count is 10
Caminante - 2006-04-18

Hey, cameraman, why aren't you focusing on the woman that just exploded in front of you?

athodyd - 2006-04-19

The way she just sort of topples to the ground really ramps up the holy shit factor.

Doctor Arcane - 2006-04-22

The thud makes it great. I'm going to hell.

SharoKham - 2006-04-25

Not a reporter. This happened while she was working on a kids' show. Hahahaha!

exar_kun - 2006-04-28

couldn't have planned that better

Concerned Citizen - 2006-06-30

HFS! Practice, practice, practice.

judobutterfly - 2006-06-30

Her mic's on fire

klingerbgoode - 2008-01-20

and if you want something to happen to you

Charles - 2009-03-17

I already know its good, so these stars are all for the preload

Squeamish - 2009-12-23

Man, she went up like a roman candle in a bonfire.

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