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Comment count is 8
boba. - 2007-09-02

everyone with front page access should single-handedly make up a week of something totally horrible, post a bazillion videos of garbage based on that premise, act like everyone is in on it, and whine when people ignore or one-star their shit. Here are some suggestions

- friends episode week
- grand canyon vacation video week
- wedding blooper week
- duran duran week


revdrew - 2007-09-02

Nostalgia maybe be a powerful thing, but not everything from the 90s sucked. Just a lot of it, apparently.

boba. - 2007-09-02

also a powerful thing is a bunch of losers desperate for things to submit to try to up their video count. look in the hopper.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2007-09-02

I don't know about you but I'm up nights worrying about my video count

zatojones - 2007-09-02

We have a video count?

boba. - 2007-09-02

whatever, I've read multiple posts from people whining about the hopper complaining about how they've gotten enough videos through to get access submit to the front page. You already have access to directly fuck up the site so you're not worried about that.

kiint - 2007-09-03

i actually quite liked this song and video when I was in the 90s

Meatsack Jones - 2007-09-03

As did I, especially when it gets a whiny bitch response as a first post as above.

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