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Comment count is 14
Jimmy Labatt - 2007-09-08

Speaking of pianos, if I ever buy one I want it to look EXACTLY like that one

Bone_Vulture - 2007-09-08

Would rate it five stars, but the video edit is too damn short.

PastorBucknaked - 2007-09-08

This is too damn silly to take it seriously. What makes me sad is that there are people out there who do.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-09-08

I agree. And these people most likely have sites listed on POE proper.

EvilHomer - 2007-09-08

Hey man, I take Dimmu VERY seriously. They're the harbringers of DEATH, the cold Nordic warriors from the forests of the beyond, the Black Heart of Angels fallen from Grace!!! Anyone who can't appreciate Dimmu Borgir in an unironic sense has to be a closet Christ-worshipper and a sheep for all my fellow Satanic Viking brethren to pray upon! Ummm, hail Satan! 666! And so forth and so on.

Also, this song's got ICS Vortex from Borknagar. VORTEX FROM BORKNAGAR! How cool is that? (answer: very cool indeed)

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-09-08

Homer, if I could star you for that post, it would be a great thing indeed. Sadly I cannot, but I owe you one.

EvilHomer - 2007-09-11

Actually, you know what? You can make it up to me by finding and posting Borknagar's "Oceans Rise"- the original version off Archiac Course, that is. All I can find on Youtube is some shitty non-A AMV featuring some weak acoustic version.

You might get one starred for it, but just blame it on me if that happens.

kingarthur - 2007-09-08

This is silly. five stars

Shion - 2007-09-09

If God were Batman, we'd get to hear the opening bit every Sunday. I could dig that.

PegLegPete - 2007-09-09

Friggin sweet. Very talented musicians.

glasseye - 2007-09-10

Guh, no.

glasseye - 2007-09-10

And Jimmy, there's no need to freak over my comment. I just really don't like this song (or *most* metal songs, for that matter.) Hence the vote.

William Burns - 2007-09-10

Oh, sure, but no love for Cthulhu Dawn?

EvilHomer - 2007-09-10

That's because Dimmu are only level three posers. CoF is at least a level 26 poser band, right below Korn and Linkin Park, so it's OK to hate them.

That said, yeah, fuck that. CoF needs love too.

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