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Comment count is 17
Ursa_minor - 2007-09-08


glasseye - 2007-09-08

Awesome stuff, but the audio is retarded. Still worthy of five stars.

Screwtape - 2007-09-08

Welcome to Japanese television.

quantumcreep - 2008-09-19

Welcoming to Bukkake Audiobooks.

Thundercougarfalconbird - 2007-09-08

Whaa, indeed.

Pandatronic - 2007-09-08

Clap. Clap. clap.

Foolish Motorcycle Accident - 2007-09-08

Reverse Katamari Damacy

Reefer Fez - 2007-09-09

I saw the show that this clip was from. The photographer went to the same spot every month to get these shots.@

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-09-09

These are the same buildings you keep seeing blown up in so many games.

uekibachi - 2007-09-09

i had so much sex when i was in shinjuku

athodyd - 2007-09-09


athodyd - 2007-09-09

Japanese people sure do like reacting to things.

fluffy - 2007-09-10

Leave it to the Japanese to turn something beautiful and profound into a game show segment.

A Jumping Spider! - 2007-09-16


Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2008-02-10

This what everyday looks like to the million year old stone heads that watch over us.

Cleaner82 - 2009-05-06

That city wasn't there five seconds ago.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-06-30


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