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Comment count is 12
athodyd - 2006-04-21

If only all puppets could be this creepy.

Cheese - 2006-04-21

Fuck everything about this thing. Fuck it right in the ass.

Xiphias - 2006-04-21

I'm never sure if I should give something a high or low rating when it was too disturbing to watch

azmo23 - 2006-04-21

Spitting Image! I've been trying to remember the name of that show for months. Thank you!

gwalla - 2006-04-25

this freaked me out as a kid

Caminante - 2006-05-22

We do need a modern-day version of this video.

dead_cat - 2008-01-13



dead_cat - 2006-05-24

What I want to know is did the Spitting Image guys ever make intentional horror?

Nick C. - 2007-02-05

One of the best music videos ever made.

tamago - 2007-04-10

Caminante-I disagree. This is still relevant even today. And every cover I've heard sucks major ass.

Desidiosus - 2008-06-21

5 stars just for the part where Ed McMahon clobbers Johnny Carson with the rubber chicken.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2011-12-18

Wow, that was much better than I remembered. Ladies and gentlemen, the Reagan of Peace.

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