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Comment count is 7
Mike Tyson?! - 2006-04-28

They censor shit but not fuck?

Smellvin - 2007-08-28

That's just how he sang "shit" it when it was recorded. I have the CD and it's the same way.

fluffy - 2007-02-12

The effect is cool for the first 5 seconds. Gets kind of long and boring for the other 4 minutes.

voodoo_pork - 2008-01-11

This is quite possibly the lamest NIN video ever made. David Fincher should be ashamed of this crap.

Leviathant - 2008-02-20

Apparently you've never seen the video for Deep. To be fair, there is -some- quality control... the original video treatment for The Hand That Feeds leaked to the net, and oh my jesus was it bad. Likewise, a video for Every Day Is Exactly the Same nearly got made that featured - not kidding - Trent Reznor working out on a space station. But yeah, this video reminds me of going to computer shows in the 90s. This should be playing on one monitor, with a second one playing a loop from Terminator 2.

The Mothership - 2013-03-19

Not the best video but a solid beat.

Waugh - 2014-06-30

Die Hintergedanken, mit denen du das Böse in dir aufnimmst, sind nicht die deinen, sondern die des Bösen.

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