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Comment count is 10
baleen - 2007-10-27

Obviously it's not actually We Will Rock You, but I thought it was funny.

Stopheles - 2007-10-27

I would absolutely listen to this on headphones on the subway. Maybe M.I.A. could get them a distribution deal in the States or UK?

bang to buck ratio - 2007-10-27

I am already writing a letter.

Cheese - 2007-10-27

pedos give this five stars.

Stopheles - 2007-10-27

How DEH you, suh?!?

baleen - 2007-10-27

what the hell.

revdrew - 2007-10-27

Children shouldn't be allowed to sing on camera. For their own safety.

revdrew - 2007-10-27

That was supposed to be in response to Cheese, of course.

Chet - 2007-10-27

This is an example of a video that is good for 73q and poetv, for these kinds of videos and videos voted up high enough on 73q, will get the front page of poetv as well. 73q just exists so you can get any music video activated and not flood the front page of poetv or have it sit in the hopper waiting for votes.

I am hoping all of this isn't an overly complicated mess. I will work on this later today and both sites should be close to "normal" or at least less broken.


Maggot Brain - 2007-10-28

I can't help but wonder what 'ol Freddie would have to say about this.

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