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Comment count is 16
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-02-13

What? Really?

Dr. Lobotomy - 2008-02-13

Drug Lord's hippos, ruined jungle mansion, possible attacks on humans.

The movie writes itself.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-02-13

Sounds like a Scifi Channel movie.

SolRo - 2008-02-14

would it be

a) malfunctioning cyborg war hippos?

b) hippos crossed with shark DNA?


c) years of cocaine exposure leads to mutations, etc?

baleen - 2008-02-14

d) SolRo trampled underfoot by hippos. Rises from the grave and is raped by guerrillas. His vagina births gang of crack addicted half mosquito half wrestlers. Defeated by lovable baby hippo Palanqo. Japan turns it into a hit manga. Palanqo invests the profits into Macintosh and saves all the hippos!

SolRo - 2008-02-14

that's special

baleen - 2008-02-14


Cheese - 2008-02-14

Chocolate, Wildlife Ranger.

wtf japan - 2008-02-14

That comma's a typo.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-02-14

That comma's a spy!

TeenerTot - 2008-02-14

A theme park with a prison? Neat!

Roachbud - 2008-02-14

I wish my name was Chocolate

eatenmyeyes - 2008-02-14

Please add a tag, "Hippos, free to a good home".

zatojones - 2008-02-14

"Hippos: take them or they'll eat you"

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2008-02-14

I just hope those hippos will be able to let go of their troubled history.

GuyCorngood - 2008-02-14

Five stars because now I know Pablo Escobar had a dinosaur theme park.

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