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Desc:A summary of Sony's E3 press conference. They don't come out looking so good.
Category:Video Games
Tags:PSP, sony, ps3, ridge racer, real-time weapon change
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Comment count is 25
Crucifried - 2006-05-21

Based on actual historical battles in Japanese History. So, now I'm fighting this giant crab, okay?

Xiphias - 2006-05-21

REAL-TIME WEAPON CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!

manfred - 2006-05-21

Riiiiidge Racer!

Hildegard Landstrom - 2006-05-21

Is the Samurai v. Crab battle like the time the US fought giant metal spiders during the Civil War?

josiahsuarez - 2006-05-21

huahauhauaa japanese ppl suck

Ialdabaoth - 2006-05-21

I actually felt sad watching this.

MKULTRA - 2006-05-21

I don't want any of them now! Sony just inadvertantly turned me into an adult!

oddeye - 2006-05-21

Biased. Ok so the games at launch will suck, that’s nothing new but the platform will still dominate

Ichigo Style - 2007-12-14

Biased? I hardly think so.
Sony was the first person to wag their finger at Microsoft for the price of the 360, hence highlighting "599 US DOLLARS" is quite insulting. Sony "not being about gimmicks" bullshit is also shown as false when a.)The Eye of Judgement tech demo was shown, as well as b.) The Rear view mirror in GT:Whateverthehellthenewtechdemoiscalled. Need I say anything about the Sixaxis?

I don't think I need to outline the rest of the presentation, but this is very well backed with it's own proof.

Adramelech - 2006-05-22

What a bizarre little agenda. Utterly ignorant, bonus rhino star.

romancingtrain - 2006-05-22

I don't know what they're talking about, that Rhino is fucking beautiful.

xenocide - 2006-05-22

PS3 will be expensive? NO WAY. Now to lack of surprise, we add cheesy edits!

sudan no1 - 2006-05-22

haha. I tried watching the whole press conference, this actually does a good job summing it up.

jrr - 2006-05-22

Retarded fanboyism, but HISTORICAL GIANT CRAB!

baleen - 2006-05-22

0 can buy 500 crabs for hungry mountain peoples.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2006-05-23


Vicious - 2006-05-24

Oh, press conferences, can you get any more awkward?

johnnyhamhock - 2006-06-12

Why does MGS4 have to be on their god forsaken console

bopeton - 2006-06-15

I actually like Sony, but that's some good video editing.

Concerned Citizen - 2006-09-13

LOL baleen

citrusmirakel - 2007-03-04

The eding's a touch dogmatic, but... Riiidge Racer!

fluffy - 2007-04-09

So here's this giant crab

Namor - 2007-07-18

Did Michael Moore do the editing on this?

Also, was showing that incredible rhino supposed to make me think PS3 is boring? It looks amazing.

Feyd - 2007-09-03

The historical crab battle part is funny, but I don't get what the editor of this video is getting at. People talking about great graphical capability...followed by some very impressive graphics. Damning!

Riskbreaker - 2012-05-11

-Overpriced console
-Complicated to develope thanks to it's bloated hardware
-Zero good games at launch
-Sixaxis that was good for nothing
-Went to imitate the Wii with the move (sure, no gimmicks, right)

Sure, the console eventually got good games, but after years of struggle.

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