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Comment count is 3
Stopheles - 2008-04-04

Wow, it's always sort of weird to see footage of how much of a sot Smith was when he was in the Banshees.

kingarthur - 2008-04-04

In his defense, he has mentined that he was effectively in three bands (SATB, The Cure, The Glove) at the same time and doing handfuls of acid at that point. He was quoted as saying that after a while he was physically unable to brush his teeth.

Stopheles - 2008-04-04

Yeah, I've read plenty of his assessments of how fucked up it was for him to be doing two full shows a night and then doing home recordings with the Glove. It's just...seeing him with a shark's eyes, swaying back and forth with an unhappy-looking archaic smile, it's sort of amazing that he cleaned up enough to rethink the Cure as completely as he ended up doing.

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