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Comment count is 10
Hooper_X - 2006-06-01

Oh, Kathleen Hanna. You are so crazy and I want to bone you so hard.

Stopheles - 2010-01-15

At the time, I remember worrying that it was sexist for me to want to fuck Kathleen Hanna as much as I wanted to.

I was very earnest at 19.

zatojones - 2006-06-01

This album is way underrated

onemorepanic - 2006-06-06


B_Ko - 2006-07-06

This is SOOOOO 1994.

phalsebob - 2007-06-02

Whenever I give stars out, I'm really giving them to Sonic Youth.

Angel Carver - 2007-07-23


I've met you in person but this is how I prefer to remember you, playing bratty kid sister and sticking your tongue out at Sonic Youth.

Angel Carver

Gwago - 2008-09-29

'Cause you know she's gonna read this.

Gwago - 2008-09-29

WTF I love this song. That was meant to be *****

Billy the Poet - 2007-08-03

I remember thinking that these guys were starting to look old, then.

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