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Comment count is 8
simon666 - 2008-09-04

so brutally bad. 20th century snake oil salesmen.

we used to have a laser disc player for movies. they were rad compared to vhs. but when compared to dvd it was so terrible.

CaptainJesusHood - 2008-09-04

Never trust a man who looks like Ricky Jay.

BHWW - 2008-09-04

Yeah, just like Hal 9000 which went all kooky and killed a crewmember.

Seems appropriate.

chumbucket - 2008-09-04

Too bad they didn't carry through the game demo to one of those fantastic death scenes

Comeuppance - 2008-09-04


KnowFuture - 2008-09-05

2,500 circa 1985 dollars for a machine that never understands you and speaks in a retarded "fitter happier more productive" voice and the main game for it is a cross between a Choose Your Own Adventure book and some kind of really shitty fantasy cartoon? riiiiiight.

Flux - 2008-09-05

Main game? No. Only game.

fluffy - 2008-12-10

Impressive technology for 1982, but still ridiculous.

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