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Comment count is 6
rroach - 2008-10-23

I guess you had to be there.

dichotic1 - 2008-10-24

...couldn't escape is I wanted to.

baleen - 2008-10-26

Many people don't know that Napoleon actually wrote this song in Elba with his own blood, a rat hair for a quill and an a dried avocado pit for parchment.

KnowFuture - 2008-10-24

OH I GET IT Abba were a glam rock act...right?

HURF BLURF DUH - 2008-10-24

ABBA is one of those acts that didn't merely get popular and then burn out and then come back later; they actually oscillate every 5-7 years from popular to hated and back again endlessly. This song is repeating itself.

I think the cycle is in a trough right now, because watching this made me cringe. God, the clothes. That guitar.

godot - 2008-10-26

Wherein a girl with a Napoleon complex asks for a three-way with Wellington and von Blücher.

I guess we can flip for those roles.

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