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Comment count is 18
ztc - 2008-10-26

Featuring the theme from Crimewatch as a surrealism magnifier

Comeuppance - 2008-10-26

Harness the power of apocalypse.
In your pants.

Honest Abe - 2008-10-26


Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-26

Will it give me a head of hair as flawless as yours? If so, consider my .95 sent.

Merzbau - 2008-10-26

That mullet is a thing of terror and glory.

Paranatural - 2008-10-26

Rick Flair Goodness.

CaptainJesusHood - 2008-10-26

I like the way he pronounces "herbs".

Jeff Fries - 2008-10-26

"No CODs" should be a tag

DMKA - 2008-10-26

Rick Flair

Camonk - 2008-10-26

I wanna know who the fat redneck dude at the end is.

Hooper_X - 2008-10-27

Based on four frames of footage, I'm going to go ahead and say that's Th'Merricundweem, DUSTY WODE....uh... RHODES.

takin' it to the paywinda on the mothasheeyup.

Cena_mark - 2008-10-27

Ric Flair even owns John Cena. Cena is the best today, but Ric Flair is the best ever.

1394 - 2008-10-27


socialist_hentai - 2008-10-27

Cena should grow a mullet.

Cena_mark - 2008-10-27

Cena is almost as good as Ric Flair and Flair greatly respects Cena. I'll bet Cena has a secret stash of Horsemen Vitamins to keep strong through the rigors of being a WWE superstar.

SDAusmus - 2008-10-27

Cena's been injecting those "Horsemen vitamins" in his ass for years.

glasseye - 2008-10-27

I think you mean "horse vitamins," via a "hot protein injection."

themilkshark - 2008-10-27

I take Honky Tonk Man vitamins exclusively

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