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Comment count is 21
FISTFULLofSOUL - 2008-11-26

Damn she was hot.

Thatcher Pennywhistle - 2008-11-26

That's actually not true.

Jeff Fries - 2008-11-26

If you don't look at her face and imagine the rest

Desidiosus - 2008-11-26

Only an Amiga could make Debbie Harry look hot.

King of Balls - 2009-01-16

Are you guys kidding?? Have you not seen Videodrome? Jesus, she was hot even BEFORE she burned her tits with a cigarette and nagged James Woods to suicide.

Tom Collins - 2011-05-22

"Are you ready to paint me?"

kingarthur - 2008-11-26

"At this point, I can sign my name on anything."

Blaise - 2008-11-26

That Andy could whore and still maintain his integrity either relates to his strong character or his weak artistry.

What say you?

Timothy A. Bear - 2008-11-26

Some whores have better paying clients than others.

grimcity - 2008-11-26

In Andy's defense, it was an Amiga... at the time, a machine worthy of whoring one's self.

Jeff Fries - 2008-11-26

Notice how he was being a huge dick

socialist_hentai - 2008-11-26

A huge, rich, depraved dick...

Thatcher Pennywhistle - 2008-11-26

Whorhal. His death is within earshot at this point.

Doctor Frederick Odd - 2008-11-26

And now the only thing getting drawn in Amigas is furry skunk porn.

Repomancer - 2008-12-16

Andy made whoring art, in a very real way.

oogaBooga - 2008-11-26

Holy fuck. I always thought andy warhol was a dude.

Dont hit me.

cognitivedissonance - 2008-11-26

This man died before he could use KidPix. :-(

fluffy - 2008-11-26

If only he'd lived to see Wacom tablets.

Urburos - 2008-11-26

I think those glasses are sold in the Barbie aisle, now.

yoyo1 - 2008-11-27

Andy wharol wouldn't cut it nowadays. Blondie would.

Tom Collins - 2011-05-22

He talked about how mass culture dilutes meaning. He's already won the art game.

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