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Comment count is 10
Mr Ead - 2006-07-25

"I at once regretted that I held the Indians back from their purpose." Awesome.

Crucifried - 2006-07-26

My Best Feind also includes Kinski firing 22 rounds into a tent full of movie crew. Yes. A+.

victorm - 2006-07-26

My new favorite #1 internet video

bopeton - 2006-09-21

It is my dream to someday have a tribe of Indians willing to kill people for me.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-07-07

I want to know more about what Kinski did to piss off Indians this much. Especially since I just saw Aguirre the Wrath of God the other week.

goat - 2008-01-11

They were irritated by all his tempter tantrums and freakouts, plus from what I hear they liked Herzog and felt that Kinski's behavior was an insult to him.

I find it completely awesome that Herzog mostly declined because he wanted to finish his movie.

Syd Midnight - 2008-03-23

Klaus directing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuHBPObuEmA

Billy the Poet - 2007-07-12

Is there a movie that wouln't have been better had it been made by Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski?

kingofthenothing - 2009-06-03

Wow. He makes it sound like he was 50/50 on the decision. I imagine if the tribesmen had killed Kinski he probably would have used it in the film somehow so his death wouldn't be in vain.

Charles - 2009-12-19

WERNER, perhaps?

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