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Comment count is 12
baleen - 2006-08-02

i was literally just about to submit this and fawk

boner - 2006-08-02

If we keep saying it, then it will be true!

Hooper_X - 2006-08-02

ASU! The high school right after high school!

sudan no1 - 2006-08-02

I like how the soul singer shows up for the graduating black man at 1:53

timmylean - 2006-08-02

Just like my college, I'm sure those black people are recycled from previous promotional pieces.

Yakoo:MarkTwo - 2006-08-02

"Solid as a Rock and Proud as a Peacock." The science is too tight!

EvilHomer - 2006-08-02

Funky, but loses a point for not using any star wipes.

Alex - 2006-08-02

inflatable bungee runs?

Xenocide - 2007-08-08

Hey, students! First choice turn you down? Safety school turn you down? Last resort school that never rejects anyone destroyed in a freak rockslide? Well, good news!

Chalkdust - 2007-11-30

Are you sure this isn't from an episode of Tim and Eric?

I like the teacher looming over the terrified kid at the computer at -1:27.

blackmetallic - 2008-07-02

five stars for using PowerPoint as the medium of choice for creation of a promotional video.

weve got a sciency static ball....in our science department...for some reason...

"Nothing's hotter than ASU"? Ummm....

I remember when this video came out I went to ASU's website, and was the only member of the poll to answer "NO!" to the monthly question ,"Has this been the most successful year in ASU Sports History?" A lone voice of dissent! Fight the power, kill whitey.

IrishWhiskey - 2011-07-19

They had the whole video to show me why they were HOT HOT HOT!

Apparently the answer is "They have mastered fire". That's all I can come up with.

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