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Comment count is 16
Xiphias - 2006-08-04

Cracked up fuckshow.

Amnesia Moon - 2006-08-04

I’m kinda scared of whoever makes these.

Gamara II - 2006-08-04

what the fuck?

boner - 2006-08-04

I like to think somebody gets a government grant to make these

onemorepanic - 2006-08-04

garlic bread!

Crucifried - 2006-08-04


afp3683 - 2006-08-04

at this rate, the 3rd one will just be squigly lines and white noise

Spit Spingola - 2006-08-04

Still better than most of the recent Simpsons episodes!

Gurlugon - 2006-08-04

It's amazing how much effort he puts into being so fucking crazy

Exegesis_Saves - 2006-08-05

Wand of Gamelon + Simpsons + Dr. Katz = this

Hailey2006 - 2006-08-05

This is better than the actual series!

Stog - 2006-08-05

And Hugh Laurie as some sort of scary doctor clown

zatojones - 2006-08-05

I still don't get it

athodyd - 2006-08-07


bopeton - 2006-08-09

More important than becoming a pope.

SharoKham - 2006-10-24

Extra star because I'm awed to learn how much room there was for Bart the General 1 to get worse.

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