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Comment count is 13
Cena_mark - 2009-03-29

What are you waiting for?! Buy the fucking tape!!!
And then upload the entire thing online.

Toenails - 2009-03-29

Let's make a deal, I will purchase and upload the video onto the internet, if you finally make that video that calls that Phantom Zero superhero a fag and then tell all the other real life super-villains out there to post their own youtube video.

Toenails - 2009-03-29

Oh and call that Captain Disillusion a fag also please.

Cena_mark - 2009-03-30

What's your beef with them. They just want to help people.

Toenails - 2009-03-30

1.) If the real-life superheroes need to help the community, then they can volunteer at the local mission, nursing home, special educational classroom. These places need people to come in and care for the otherwise neglected population. Prowling the streets while playing dress up does not help people, It makes you two steps up from a crazy vagarant.

2.) You need to make videos. As our resident niche crazy youtube celebrity, I find it distressing that you have bowed out of something that you obviously enjoy. So get back into the swing of things and start trolling people that deserve it or otherwise. Asking for people to post videos of themselves as supervillians would be fun to watch, and if you could ignite a flame war that would also be nice.

Jack Dalton - 2009-03-29



revdrew - 2009-03-29


snothouse - 2009-03-29

I have rented this six times. BUY IT!

Deplorable - 2009-03-29

Is the entire movie like this? Holy shit. Only 40 minutes?

Midnight Man - 2009-03-29

Can't they just move the car?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-03-29

I eagerly await the animated version of The Robot King.

Hooper_X - 2009-03-29

So there are like, only three actors in this, right?

Yellow Lantern - 2009-03-29

From IMDB:

Ari Taub is called in to play the Robot in Jack Shaoul's film "Robot in the Family". The last person who played the Robot was hospitalized.

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