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Comment count is 9
helicopter cats - 2006-08-14

I know they're sad people inside, but I'm happy that surreal stuff like this actually happens.

Xiphias - 2006-08-14

I'd be happier if they didn't have boners in those suits.

EvilHomer - 2006-08-14

5 stars for the Furry Shark at 0:50, but loses a point for seemingly endless sad.

Hailey2006 - 2006-08-14

The shark's my favorite, too!

bopeton - 2006-08-15

190 Furries (mius three with no costume). Even the cameraman sighed of boredom.

Torture the Artist - 2006-08-15

What's with the day-glo mullet creatures with the American flag?

yoyo1 - 2006-08-15

depressingly sad, except for the raptor and shark and the guy at 04:57

Concerned Citizen - 2006-10-05

What's so sad about it? I guess people having harmless fun offends the sensitivities of many of you

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-07-08

If by harmless you mean retarded and by fun you mean psychosis, then yes. But I'm willing to forgive it as they put this shit up for public mockery. Also I can't help but picturing what would happen if these people did this next door to a hunting convention.

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