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Comment count is 13
Afgh - 2006-08-14

Nostalgia is not fair. It inflates scores. HONEYCOMB HIDEOUT!!!

Spit Spingola - 2006-08-14

It's not small.

Aelric - 2006-08-14

remember kids, big rapist bikers really just want big big taste! totaly cool to hang out with!

garcet71283 - 2006-08-15

Ugh...I think i remember this... does that make me old?

zatojones - 2006-08-15

It bugs me that this tune was so familiar I could hum along. I must have watched a lot of TV

dr_rock - 2006-08-15

Hum along? I sang the whole damn song. What a waste of mental real estate.

jim - 2006-08-15

gayer than hell. yarrrr

Caminante - 2006-08-24

Big Bad Moe looks like Rob Reiner.

Concerned Citizen - 2006-08-31

I totally remember this commercial.

Syzygy - 2006-09-04

This big taste is not big enough for moe! Only 3 inches of taste? Moe needs MORE!

blackbetta - 2007-01-13

I always wanted a robot like that when I was a wee laddie.

Jojoba Fett - 2007-02-08

1987. yep, that's about the time it took to culturally neuter Mad Max.

dunkonu - 2007-04-13

this dude was in the first toxic avenger film as the drunk fast food dude

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