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Desc:From the album, Machine Says Yes
Category:Music Videos
Tags:FC Kahuna, Hayling, Machine Says Yes
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Comment count is 36
Chet - 2007-06-04

Fixed user pages for now.

The general users pages isn't being updated, will fix that soon.

Also fixed header to be a little cleaner and the upper right will always notify you of your status on pages where you can provide input - login, register or your name.

Fixed random pages.

Added top reports based on favorites.



onemorepanic - 2007-06-10

On resubmits the original submitter shares the url with resubmitter.
Also on comments each users name leads to a dead link.

Chet - 2007-06-11

Fixed and fixed.


Emcee - 2007-06-10

I asked about this on the other support thread, but I don't know if you got it. I submitted a video into the hopper, and it got voted up +6, but a week passed and I don't see it anywhere.

Innocent Bystander - 2007-09-09

Me too. I hope someone's still reading this. I've had this happen with two videos recently, both which had 5 or more positive votes.

Sean Robinson - 2007-06-11

Videos I submit get instantly activated, but not to the front page. Is this a bug or a feature?

Sean Robinson - 2007-06-11

Sorry, I have pretty dumb ideas about things sometimes.

Chet - 2007-06-11

For others - it takes 5-10 minutes for it to appear on the front page.

drcrypt - 2007-06-11

Chet, maybe you could post a reminder on the submit page (in huge blinking letters) that people should correct existing video entries and not resubmit them as new entries? I know I'm just being pedantic, but for some reason, the resubmits really annoy me.

doc duodenum - 2007-06-20

I tried to fix a couple. It didn't work.

Chet - 2007-06-24

The fixes go in cycles, ten at a time for a few days so people can see them on the front page. At least that way for now, should add a better way to track them.


kiint - 2007-06-19

chet, I submitted a bad link by mistake (ARK II submission)...then re-subbed with the right link. Is there anyway to delete the bad linked first sub? its currently near the top of the Hopper

Chet - 2007-06-25

Hot videos - this is just the most viewed videos of the past week regardless of when they were submitted.

Cube - 2007-07-06

There's still a dead "Comments" -link on every video, between the submitter's name and description.

Cube - 2007-07-06

On the list of videos, to be more specific

Cube - 2007-07-08

And one thing that kinda bothers me is that there's no "login" link on the home page, just the "register" one. Which actually points to the login page.

Chet - 2007-07-22

Fixed. thanks.

doc duodenum - 2007-07-11

Can you make the text wrap when people write long words without spaces? It's very annoying. See jrr's comment in this video:


Cube - 2007-07-18

Oh and one more thing: the "Video games" category could be called "Computers and Video games", I'm sure there are enough nerds to post clips of either.
There could also be a category called "nostalgy" or something similar to mark those special 70s or 80s clips that somebody might remember. "Classic tv clips" is in the same neighborhood, but old commercials and/or cartoon themes are rarely "classic", just fun.

Cube - 2007-08-20

Oh, hey. There's still a "discuss the submissions" -link on the top of the Hopper.

kiint - 2007-08-24

hey chet, none of my 5+ subs have made it onto the main page lately, is there a problem?

Aelric - 2007-08-26

hey chet, i'm sure your aware of it, but there has been alot of accidental hopper poaching lately, on what a few are claiming to be exactly the same url. may want to look into it.

also, what would it take to get front page privileges? hopper-land is kinda bumming me out with all this poaching.

kiint - 2007-08-29

I noticed my +10 bladerunner sub is out of the hopper but not on the main page yet...is there a holding area or something where they reside until they are released into the wild? curious...

kiint - 2007-08-30

well fuck....

kiint - 2007-08-31


Chet - 2007-09-01

I don't see a blade runner submission from you, what was the title?

kiint - 2007-09-03

Bladerunner:Voight-Kampff Sequence...? thanks

uekibachi - 2007-09-11

hey i had a few videos that were well above +5 that havent been posted yet. whats the deal?

uekibachi - 2007-09-12

for example, it was a +9 music video of "push it" by garbage.

uekibachi - 2007-09-14


Chet - 2007-09-16

Music videos are getting worked on, no new music videos are currently going up, hopefully this sunday.


kiint - 2007-09-16


kiint - 2007-09-16

and is anybody ever gonna read this again since the new page design...?

kiint - 2007-09-17

and just in case anyone cares, just for example, Ive got a +8 Sub (Super Troopers - Opening bust) thats halfway through the hopper. Lets see if it ever makes it to the front page; I'm hoping it does.

kiint - 2007-09-17

Yowza! My faith in POE is restored...thanks!

kiint - 2007-09-27

...aaaand then my 8+ Hobbit (1977) goes bye-bye...sigh

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