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Comment count is 9
lokibolp - 2009-05-05

This man is the Justin Timberlake of Mexico.

Johnny Madhouse - 2009-05-05

I refuse to believe that balancing a soccer ball on a cowboy hat is difficult.

ALSO: Posture break at the end? Classic.

rapsnacks - 2009-05-05

The accordion hip-thrust at 1:20. That is some cutting edge Mexican green screening right there.

Persephone S. Tight - 2009-05-06

This song is great on so many levels. It's the Mexican equivalent of when a basketball player does a rap album. But that was too long to stick in the tags. I suppose I could have put that in the description, now that I think about it. Damn my hide.

I had to include this because I'm always hearing this kind of thing at work. Norteño groups cover the weirdest English music. I've heard everything from Shania Twain covers to the Spider-Man theme song. Go spend an hour at any fine taquería and you'll see what I mean.

Blaise - 2009-05-05

It's that Science of Sleep guy! I love that guy.

Those chicks are also very hot.

Plus Cheap Trick!

fermun - 2009-05-05

This is so awful. I love it.

Robert DeNegro - 2009-05-05

I Love Cheap trick. I saw them in 1980 when I was 15. I saw them this past December at 44. I've seen them a dozen times in between. This just makes me angry.

5 stars.

La Loco - 2009-05-05

This a song off a movie sound track, Devendra Banhart and Black Lips is on it too. Gotta see it.

Persephone S. Tight - 2009-05-06

That's why I couldn't resist placing this in the "Classic Movies" category, even though Rudy y Cursi isn't technically a classic.

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