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Comment count is 12
Gurlugon - 2006-08-18

Shameless donut eating animal

Mr Ead - 2006-08-18

I kept waiting for the cop to fill the car with pepper spray.

Meatsack Jones - 2006-08-18

As much as people bitch about cops, if you had to put up with that, could you be as calm?

sosage - 2006-08-18

I highly endorse nightsticking this man in the mouth.

stanleypain - 2006-08-19

Cop could've easily tacked on "abuse of the badge" type stuff, but didn't. Class act.

xenocide - 2006-08-19

I can't imagine why this babbeling confrontational idiot would like O'Reilly so much.

minimalist - 2006-08-19

Of all the cops, why did this dipshit have to get the professional and level-headed one?

Caminante - 2006-08-19

Right off of the bat, he complains about rock & roll and rap.

Hooper_X - 2006-08-19

The asshole was probably hoping he'd get beat up so he could go cry on O'Reilly and get his 15 min.

athodyd - 2006-08-19

Oh, to live in that man's head.

Syzygy - 2006-09-09

I really hope he tries that shit in LA...

Corman's Inferno - 2006-09-29

Did he just call the cop a swan?

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