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Comment count is 95
kiint - 2009-08-22

I tipped the scales and unleashed this...uh...this...I don't know either. BUT I TIPPED TEH SCAL3S!

futurebot - 2009-08-23


Billy the Poet - 2009-08-22

"Run, Fish! You're NOT getting away!"

Iakchos - 2009-08-22


papa_november - 2009-08-22

fucking incredible

namtar - 2009-08-22

I'd like to think that the sun in the final shot is the same sun that shines down upon the teletubbies.

dementomstie - 2009-08-22

Baby head?...
The sun is a baby. Does this mean that this takes place in the same world as TeleTubbies?

Hooker - 2009-08-22

They're extremely close in an ambiguous way.

garcet71283 - 2009-08-22

Just when you think it couldn't get worse, he takes his pants off...

The Townleybomb - 2009-08-22

Better. You mean better.

garcet71283 - 2009-08-22

I apologize, I forgot what site I am on.

What must I do for penance?

James Woods - 2009-10-05

Produce one baby lazer from your loins!

Dicknuts - 2009-08-22

Mario cart, Sigfried and Roy edition.

twinkieafternoon - 2009-09-03

You beat me to it, Dicknuts.

CornOnTheCabre - 2009-08-22

flawless victory

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-08-22

I get it.

jangbones - 2009-08-22

that is absolutely nothing to be proud of

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-08-22

The first part is like the Matrix meets Tom of Finland, and then...baby head with warp capabilities.

LSD + animation student = this...this...whatever this was

Sigrdrífa - 2012-06-09

ohh God... perhaps that's why i never had the wanting of taking LSD, cocaine and others, tks for warning me

SixDigitDebt - 2009-08-22

Hell is that music. And you, tied down and spread eagled at the end of the road.

NovaPolice - 2009-08-22

The next Cho Aniki game is looking pretty good.

B_Ko - 2009-09-14

I thought the EXACT SAME THING as soon as i saw the preload image.

Tyrathca - 2009-08-22


cognitivedissonance - 2009-08-22


teethsalad - 2009-08-22


C. Eloi Marx - 2009-08-22


Time Travel Mishap - 2009-10-03


Walt Henderson - 2009-11-03


Louis Armstrong - 2009-08-22

When did the muscle march game get even better!?

CuteLucca - 2009-08-22

I demand this be optioned for Hollywood.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2009-08-22

"That's not sane."

JSP - 2009-08-22

Well...well, shit.

revdrew - 2009-08-22

In a better universe this would be more popular than Halo.

Tstyle - 2009-08-22

good gravy.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-08-22


Tyrathca - 2009-08-22

I didn't even know it was possible.
POEtv teaches me yet another new thing.

The Lord of Dirt - 2009-10-15

Fortunately, that was the only law of physics broken here.

Syd Midnight - 2009-08-22

It keeps getting better.

jreid - 2009-08-22

Truly masterful.

StanleyPain - 2009-08-22


BOOSH - 2009-08-22

oh my

The Townleybomb - 2009-08-22

That's what I'M sayin'.

Dr Dim - 2009-08-22

That's so "jock who can complete a pass but not a sentence"

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2009-08-22

What will happen?

Something wonderful.

thirteen3seven - 2009-08-22

We must find the man who made this and make him our new god.

EightFlyingCars - 2009-08-22

0:20 is how you drive a stick.

Robin Kestrel - 2009-08-25

The shift lever is placed somewhat awkwardly, though.

Stopheles - 2009-08-22

Whether self-aware or sincere, this is one of the internet's greatest achievements.

DK1987 - 2009-08-22

this is wonderful.

KokoBKK - 2009-08-22

This is a thing of beauty.

Teased Vagina - 2009-08-22


fermun - 2009-08-22

This could easily work as a miniseries.

Steve Airport - 2009-08-22

Eat homo-cannon, you drifty little steamroller.

SharoKham - 2009-08-22

I want to know why this was made.

gambol - 2009-08-23

Is the music composed entirely of dog barks?

Terrifying baby-head sun?

Pulse-cannon pubic appendage?

Truly, Ultimate Muscle Roller Legend poses more questions than it answers.

Wander - 2009-08-23

This is so

Fortuitous21 - 2009-10-09


Chancho - 2009-08-23

Homosexuals lead such interesting lives. Where do I sign up?

a flaming monkey - 2009-08-23

Youtube related videos. Youtube related videos!

Neurotic - 2009-08-23

Internet's over. Pack it in and hit the showers.

TheQuakeSoldier - 2009-08-23

The next time a graphic design college makes a commercial, they better use this.

GlennFinito - 2009-08-24

world just became gayer, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Triggerbaby - 2009-08-24

*moves paw towards cock*

Baby Finster - 2009-08-24

That's so "Ultimate Muscle Roller Legend"

plug - 2009-08-25


Lauritz Melchior - 2009-08-26

Like ... WHOA!

Chizmurder - 2009-08-26

I think I'm gay now.

SeaSerpent - 2009-08-26

This is why the gays shouldn't raise babies.

keinsignal - 2009-08-28

...and then things got weird.

Jimmy Labatt - 2009-08-28

And Jimmy's vote makes it an even 40. Shine on, you crazy internet!

Aubrey McFate - 2009-09-02


twinkieafternoon - 2009-09-03

Wonder Twins! Form of..gay wheel!

Wombles - 2009-09-13

In Stores Now.

Lies, lies, LIES! - 2009-09-25


Hooper_X - 2009-10-02


MongoMcMichael - 2009-10-03

I divided by zero and

Myrmidon - 2009-10-07

I don't know how I missed this. But wow.

Jake Snake - 2009-10-13


thebaronsdoctor - 2009-10-14

There's a message here...But I'm pretty sure it doesn't apply to me

Samisyosam - 2009-10-17

The internet was made for this.

detc - 2009-10-20


Squeamish - 2009-10-21

I think my mind was just molested

I think I enjoyed it

Runic - 2009-11-20

This must be what drugs feel like.

tamago - 2009-12-03

I'm not feeling drowsiness watching this video, btw. Confusion and terror, yes. Drowsiness, not so much.

zerobackup - 2009-12-23

Those are just some cool bros hanging out and having a good time, whats everyone getting so confused about?

Camonk - 2010-01-22

I don't want to investigate the feelings this called up in my soul. So I'm just going to briefly mention how I didn't know you could drift a bulldozer. That's awesome.

PS: I almost don't want to favorite it, because it's been favorited 69 times, currently...

rhombus - 2010-02-21

Uh.. Yeah

Louddetective - 2010-02-26

I'd buy that for a dollar

Xero - 2010-04-09

I almost stopped watching 30 seconds in. The joy I feel for not listening to the little voice in my head, cannot be described.

Sigrdrífa - 2012-06-08

Five stars for you Xero !

Plan B - 2010-06-20


Old People - 2012-06-11

Man, five stars just all over the place.

Sigrdrífa - 2012-06-08

that's is one of most stupid things i ever watched in my life ... 87 fav? oh men, oops, ohh gays that's the end of the world

Old_Zircon - 2012-08-22

I'm sorry.

tesla_weapon - 2014-12-04

Mama always says; "Stupid is as stupid does."

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