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Comment count is 11
MongoMcMichael - 2009-08-31

Five for the user name in conflation with the anal extraction video. Is SuperFister still around?

Vaidency - 2009-08-31

Damn near killed 'im?

Sputum - 2009-08-31

I'd like to see you come up with a funnier joke while staring at about a foot of lower intestine, freshly yanked from a cadaver.

Sputum - 2009-08-31

actually I guess that's sort of the perfect opportunity for a joke, isn't it.

phalsebob - 2009-08-31

Not really, because they damn well actually did kill'um.

Enjoy - 2009-08-31

Is this what the kids call fisting?

Slagathor - 2009-08-31

I actually have a butt out in the trunk of my car, along with a bunch of other hunting stuff I can't be bothered to put away.

mouser - 2009-09-01

So, this is to create a fuck toy or is there something I'm missing other than the fact that the rest of the shit is spilling inside your carcass?

Avengingatheist - 2009-09-01

5 stars for the woman's hick accent

fluffy - 2009-09-01

No live animals were harmed in the making of this video. But you can be sure that some asshole has used it on something living.

The Mothership - 2011-10-31

PERFECT submitter name to submission ratio here. I challenge anyone to a duel who says they have found one better.

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