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Comment count is 10
dr_rock - 2006-09-10

That's the hottest pole dance I've ever seen.

johnnyhamhock - 2006-09-10


Caminante - 2006-09-10

It's easier to slip money into their thong when they're knocked out like that.

PrincessPeachesUnderpants - 2006-09-10


Stopheles - 2006-09-10

So Enjoy, do you spend a lot of time on YouTube looking for pole-dancing footage?

Gamara II - 2006-09-10

It's easier to steal money out of their thong when they're like that too.

TEDA - 2006-09-10

Oh wow. Someone give me a fiver.

enjoy - 2006-09-10

stopheles: somboody has to!

athodyd - 2006-09-10

That was actually more of a cheekboneplant.

GoodAaron - 2006-09-10

Total schadenfreude.

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